Bart Kemper, PE and Linda Cross, EI attended the October 2016 meeting in Savannah, Georgia for the ASME Codes & Standards Committee for Pressure Vessels for Human Occupancy (PVHO). Bart was made vice-chair of the General Requirements subcommittee, which is responsible for those aspects of the code that apply to all hyperbaric systems such as medical, diving, submersibles, and tunneling. He presented an update on KES’ investigation into applying FEA to acrylic windows as part of our contribution to advancing the technology available within the Code. Bart was also recognized for his past contributions to the PVHO-1 standard, which is the “design” safety and engineering publication. There is also PVHO-2, which is the “post-construction” publication, to which Bart is also a contributor.
This was Linda’s first codes and standards meeting. As a biological engineer she brings a fresh insight to the volunteer pool that contributes to the code’s continued developments. Kemper Engineering Services has been a strong supporter of Codes & Standards development and has been part of PVHO since 2008. Like most codes and standards, they are driven by volunteers but are overseen by not just ASME but also ANSI, which is why the PVHO codes are “National Standards.” Bart is a member of the main committee as well as all of the subcommittees, to include the special Task Force for addressing specific technical issues and the new Tunneling group that addresses the issues of “dry diving”.
Krista Krcmarik Kemper, our president, is a past PVHO member and contributed to the 2012 and 2016 editions of PVHO-1 and PVHO-2. While her duties have caused her to withdraw from regular participation, she will still contribute to ASME PVHO. Linda is in the process of becoming the company’s alternate. Her background in biological engineering and growing expertise in mechanical engineering gives her an ideal combination of skills for addressing the various aspects of safely and reliably putting people in pressurized atmospheres.
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