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IEEE publication COMPUTER, Oct. 2021

Bart Kemper, P.E. is a featured in a cross-industry panel discussing Artificial Intelligence (AI) and it growing role in our society, particularly infrastructure.  The article is written by Prof. Phil Laplante, P.E. of Ben Amaba, P.E., CTO at

The paper is Open Journal and not behind a paywall.

IEEE COMPUTER: Artificial Intelligence in Critical Infrastructure Systems

DOI Bookmark: 10.1109/MC.2021.3055892

Separate but related, Bart has also been nominated to the federal NIST Artificial Intelligence Oversight Committee.  The National Society of Professional Engineers based this nomination on his current work regarding AI issues such as autonomous vehicles (ground, air, and marine), his long history with infrastructure and security, and his practical experience with ethics and legal matters.


Opening page of Artificial Intelligence in Critical Infrastructure Systems

Seven infrastructure experts on AI’s current and future impact