(+01) 225-923-2945 contactKES@kempereng.com

KES just finished a novel coil design for Metalworks Corporation of Baton Rouge, La. for Vitok Engineering.  KES has worked with Metalworks to engineer all sorts of pressure-rated coils, including jacketed coils, nested coils, and variable radii coils.  In this case, the inlets and outlets were both split, creating an inner and outer coil.  The unusual part was these coils were broken on 120 degree arcs and capped with socket weld fittings in order to allow the parts to be brought through a manway and assembled within a reactor.

KES worked with Floyd Saizon, owner and general manager of MetalWorks, to come up with a solution for the coil supports and restraints that would guide the field assembly in a reliable, repeatable manner, to include enough space to comfortably create the high-efficiency welds joining the segments. Based on client reports, the coils were assembled easily and passed inspection on the first go.  Clients like Metalworks keep coming back to us for decades because we work with their team to sweat the details during design so things go smoothly in the field.


Design is complete and the drawings are stamped.

Checking the dimensions for the support sections.

Stacks of 120 degree stainless steel coil sections, checks and blocked for shipping.