(+01) 225-923-2945 contactKES@kempereng.com

Bart Kemper, P.E. recently provided expert witness testimony regarding commercial fireworks and the relative hazards they can pose to users and the general public.   In this particular case, the side who hired him prevailed.


Expert witness work is not about winning.   That is the lawyer’s issue.   As a Professional Engineer, the only task is to provide honest, accurate, and technically sound opinions.  You are asked to answer a question or examine a hypothetical situation, then you answer honestly.  In some instances, the response causes the lawyer to conclude their original premise was not sufficiently supported.   In other instances, contributing factually correct opinions may not be the key factor in a decision.   As an expert you cannot worry about the outcome more than being honest, ethical, and professional.  The same questions gets the same answer regardless of which side poses the question.

The reward in doing this type of work is knowing you are supporting the legal system by providing solid, honest information when forming a professional opinion.  Everyone has a right to a fair trail.  A trial cannot be fair without accurate information and ethical professional opinions.